Give a score out of 10 to (BA)SH scripts like other linter, using [Spellcheck](
## Use the scorer in standalone mode
Download and run `` into your project directory. All `*.sh` and `*.bash` files will be analyzed. If you want to scan a specific file, run `./ [filename]`
1. Open your GitLab project's general settings and create a new badge. Fill the form as bellow:
- Name: Bashlint
- Link: `{project_path}/-/jobs/artifacts/%{default_branch}/browse/public/lint?job=bashlint`
- Badge image URL: `{project_path}/-/jobs/artifacts/%{default_branch}/raw/public/badges/bashlint.svg?job=bashlint`
Save the newly created badge. It will be blank by default.
2. Check if CI/CD feature is enabled in general settings (it is by default).
3. Then, copy the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file of this repository into yours. Be careful, the filename has to be identical, including the starting `.`.
4. The bash file scorer will run everytime you push something to your repository. You can run it manually by going to CI/CD > Pipelines and click on "Run pipeline".
5. If you want to read details about your score, go to CI / CD > Jobs and click on the latest job id.