Welcome on esieabot's documentation!

.. image:: /_static/images/esieabot.png
   :width: 300
   :align: center

L’**esieabot** (/ezjabɔt/) is an opensource programmable educational robot made by `ESIEA <https://esiea.fr>`_.
Fun but professional, it will help you quickly acquire or improve your digital skills:
programming, electronics, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, embedded systems, etc.

This documentation is available in both `|FR| French <https://esieabot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ and `|EN| English <https://esieabot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_.

.. note::

   If you just get your esieabot, you should start with the :doc:`Assemble <assemble>` then :doc:`First connection <use>`.


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

   Build <build>
   Assemble <assemble>
   Use <use>
   Program <program>
   Improve <improve>
   FAQ <faq>

.. |FR| image:: France.png

.. |EN| image:: United-Kingdom.png